Increasingly, over the years, many people have desired to include aspects of 'spirituality' in the work that we do together. I have always worked with people's own 'belief systems' (including all faiths/religions and none), and so SOUL was born out of a wish to explore aspects of spirituality in health & wellbeing, in a more general and 'lived experience' (non-clinical) way.
I use a variety of esoteric and ethereal approaches to guide and accompany people, on their quest to find answers to the deeper meanings of life (which can often come up, after life tragedy or loss).
Oracle and Tarot card - exploring life issues using pictures and metaphor
Working with Energy - I have created a free YouTube Channel [Two For Joy Oracle]*, that provides thoughts/insights and perspectives on Divination, Divinity and our place in the Universe. This channel features Podcasts on a wide range of philosophical subjects. Recurring themes on the channel include: nature, divination, Higher Self, the inter-connectedness of all living things (human, plant, animal). *Visit my YouTube channel, copy/cut & paste the link below:
Working with Crystals - I have worked using earth crystals for many years, and have found healing energies within crystals.
Charges apply for individual divination readings. Two For Joy Oracle on YouTube is free. Please use the Contact Form for a price list, thank you.
ACADEMIC LEARNING - As part of my BA (Hons) Undergraduate degree in Psychology, I read both Theology and Social Anthropolgy. I also studied Philosphy to doctoral level. These fanstastic subjects gave me an A-mazing insight and understanding into the ethereal, esoteric nature of humanity, the Universe and our place within the cosmos.