Welcome one and all!
Many of us lead busy, hectic lives that can often cause us to feel low in energy, stressed, sad or even depressed. Mindfulness is an ancient technique that helps us to deal with personal stress.
I am trained to use Mindfulness in clinical practice and bring elements of this form of stress-reduction to all my treatment formats. Mindfulness is safe and can be used and taught to children, teenagers and adults alike. It can be used at home, at school, at work or in social settings.
I run retreats & workshops on Mindfulness and offer online Mindfulness sessions using Skype or Zoom. This service is available around the world. Please go to the Contact Page for more information.
I have been working with universal energy now, for a number of years. This energy work is based around the 7 chakra points, but can include eclectic approaches that can involve channeling, Divine 3-word generation, raising of individuals personal level of Consciousness etc.. My work in this (non-clinical) area can include working with universal energies and readings from animal spirit, colour energy and nature oracle cards.
All regulated qualified psychotherapists should engage in regular CPD (continuing professional development). Below is a selection of relevant trainings I have undertaken in order to expand this part of my clinical practice - the list is not exhaustive.
Equine-assisted Psychotherapy EAGALA Workshop, (2006)
Sleep Disorders, Jet Lag: does CBT have an answer, BPS (May 2008)
Teaching Clients Mindfulness Skills, Queens College Oxford, (April 2012)
Working Therapeutically with Children British Psychological Society (Sept. 2013)
Teaching Clients Mindfulness Skills (Advanced), University of London (June 2014)
Running Mindfulness Groups, London, (Nov. 11th, 2016)
SIG (special interest group) Spirituality and EMDR, online, (2019-ongoing)
Working with Complex Trauma & Dissociation with EMDR (Oct. 15th, 2022)